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Bird watching in Uganda

Bird watching in Uganda.

Bird watching in Uganda, Uganda is unquestionably a birding paradise according to different reckonings boosting over 1073 bird species. It’s a hearthstone to over 50% of the continent’s bird species. Unveil a chance to bird by visiting Uganda the top birding paradise in Africa, delve into the incredible diversity of habitats known for bird watching in Uganda. Ranging from open savannahs, mountains, swamps, valleys, forests, lakes, and rivers, national parks, and wildlife reserves. While in these destinations, you will be able to hark the sweet melodies from different bird species. And gain yourself a remarkable lifetime birding memory.

The favorable climate of Uganda and the vegetation are the greatest reason. That inspires several migrant birds to fly in all year round. The 10 high-ranking bird species in Uganda include the rare shoebill stork, the African green broadbill, the Rwenzori turaco, Karamoja Apalis, Nahan’s francolin. Green-breasted pitta, brown-chested lapwing, Puvel’s Illadopses, and Jameson’s ante-pecker, black bee-eater plus. Many more other bird species including, the Nubian woodpecker, white napped pigeon, marabou stork, crested crane, great blue turaco, ostriches, dwarf honey guide, martial eagle, owl, cape robin, swamp flycatcher, handsome francolin, giant kingfisher, ituri batis to mention but a few. And all these  found in in a small territory of about 90041 square miles making Uganda be the home to the highest concentration of birds per square kilometer.

Best birding time in Uganda.

Birding is open all year round however the wet season is the most rewarding from late May – September. During this season there is little rain which favors birding

The dry months of June to September and then December to February. During these months the trees shade leaves. Which enables easy viewing and high chances of sighting the bird species that nest in high tree canopies like the ituri batis.

Birding destinations in Uganda.

The best birding spots in Uganda are as cited below;

Mabamba Bay wetland.

Mabamba Bay Wetland is among the top most ranking birding destinations. Located in the Wakiso and Mpigi districts on the margin of Lake Victoria. It is close to Lake Victoria and offers flawless conditions mostly to water birds and other bird species which include the black-billed turaco, the rare shoe bill stork, papyrus gonolek, pied kingfisher, swamp flycatcher, malachite kingfisher among other species

Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Located in western Uganda, in the Kasese, Rubirizi, and Rukungiri districts close to the Rwenzori mountains. The park  famously known for the tree-climbing lions. However it has more to offer due to its biodiversity and among these. We have bird-watching due to the presence of over 600 bird species namely the black-crowned Tchagra, pygmy kingfisher, shoe bill stork, flamingos, martial eagle, papyrus gonolek, white-tailed lark, hooded vulture, nightjar, pink backed pelican, blue napped mouse bird, and many more species.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

the home to the highest concentration of mountain gorillas is located in the southwestern part of Uganda in the Kisoro, lubanda, and Kanungu districts covering approximately 330 square kilometers. it’s also a haven for over 350 bird species, of which 24 are Albertine rift endemics. The bird species in the park include the collared apalis, handsome francolin, African green broad bill, and white-bellied robin chat, among others.

Murchison Falls National Park.

The park is situated on the shores of Lake Albert in northwestern Uganda in the Masindi, Buliisa, Nwoya, and Kiryandongo districts about 370 km from Kampala the capital city of Uganda. The park is famously known for having the most powerful waterfalls in the world. But besides that, it’s home to over 450 bird species including the Albertine endemics among the birds. That can be spotted in Murchison Falls we have dark chanting goshawk, martial eagle, shoe bill stork, swamp flycatcher, Abyssinian ground hornbill, giant kingfisher, northern red bishop, rock particle and many more.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Besides mountain gorillas and golden monkeys, the park is also a haven to over 180 bird species. Including white stared robin, greater double-collared sunbirds, waxbills, Rwenzori batis, brown woodland warbler, kivu ground thrush Rwenzori turaco, and many others.

Semuliki national park.

The park is located in western Uganda on the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains south of Lake Albert. It harbors 441 bird species of which 5 are Albertine rift endemics. And these include yellow-throated nicator, piping hornbill, dwarf honey guide, great blue turaco, shoebill stork, red-chested owlet, cheeked waxbill, western bronze napped pigeon among others.

Lake Mburo National Park.

The True Birders Heaven also known as Lake Mburo National Park in western Uganda in the Kiruhura district. Small but blessed with various habitats ranging from bush thickets, swamps, and rocky outcrops. Which enables it to harbor over 351 bird species including white-headed barbet, grey crowned crane, Nubian woodpecker, emerald spotted wood dove, crested francolin, African fish eagle and many more which can be spotted in Rubanga valley and the swampy valleys of miriti and warukiri.

Budongo forest.

Budongo forest is in northwestern Uganda. Just close to Murchison Falls National Park, on the top of the Albertine Rift Valley. It harbors over 350 bird species. Including the blue-breasted kingfisher, spotted green bull, chestnut-capped flycatcher, ituri batis, African dwarf kingfisher, Nahan’s francolin, blue-throated roller, fire-crested alethe, among others.

Above are the top birding destinations in Uganda but it’s important to note that some birds are endemic and  only found in specific regions. For a truly rewarding bird-watching safari you can combine different destinations to encounter a variety of bird species.