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Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park Akagera National Park is one of the Oldest National Parks on the African Continent and the largest National park in Rwanda. It was garzetted as a National Park in 1934 and it covers an area of 1,122sqkm of mainly savannah land. Akagera National Park was named after Kagera River that flows along...
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Batwa Community Experience in Bwindi

Batwa Community Experience in Bwindi The Batwa Community Experience in Bwindi are one of the most ancient inhabitants. Of the inter-lacustrine region of the Virunga volcanoes.  However, The Batwa have lived in this region for centuries. And their way of life shaped by the lush forests and the wildlife surrounding them. The Batwa a pygmy...
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Batwa Trail in Mgahinga

Batwa Trail in Mgahinga Batwa Trail in Mgahinga, The Twa, also known as the Batwa, are pygmy people. Who have lived in the Albertine Rift Valley region since immemorial time. Their society’s origins in the Bwindi Forests and Mgahinga is dating back nearly 60,000 years. Hence making them one of the oldest groups of people...
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Chimpanzee Tracking

Chimpanzee Tracking in Rwanda Chimpanzee Tracking is the act of following the trails that leads you to a point. Where you are near and close to Chimpanzees in their natural habitat. One of the most popular Primate tours in Rwanda and it is second to Gorilla Trekking. Nyungwe Forest National Park which is located about...
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Community Based Birding Tourism and Local Initiatives

Community Based Birding Tourism and Local Initiatives Community-based birding tourism and local initiatives represent a dynamic intersection of conservation, sustainable tourism, and community development. As more people become interested in birdwatching as a recreational activity, communities around the world are capitalizing on their avian biodiversity. To create opportunities for both conservation and economic growth. Budongo...
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Culture and Community Encounters in Rwanda

Culture and Community Encounters in Rwanda Culture and Community Encounters in Rwanda, Rwanda’s Beauty also reflected in its warm and welcoming people as they receive visitors into the Country. Ranging from the hosts, cooks and guides despite of their limited spoken English, they will always do their best to ensure that travelers enjoy their stay....
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Frequently Asked Questions about Rwanda

Frequently Asked Questions about Rwanda Frequently Asked Questions about Rwanda, Rwanda offers lots of varied wildlife as well as breathtaking scenery, right from the soaring mountains to the deep forests. Rwanda is a great destination for Primate Tracking, you can find both cheeky chimpanzees, colobus monkeys as well as Mountain Gorillas. Tracking these gorillas is...
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Golden Monkey Tracking in Rwanda

Golden Monkey Tracking in Rwanda Golden Monkey Tracking in Rwanda takes place in Volcanoes National Park. These rare species are as well listed as endangered. Volcanoes national park currently has 2 habituated golden monkeys’ troops. That are available for tracking by tourists in the park, both of which make about 80 members. Discover the playful...
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Kwita Izina

Kwita Izina “Kwita Izina” is a Kinyarwanda word (Rwandese local language) that means “to give a name”. It refers to the act of naming a thing or a person.  Kwita Izina refers to an old tradition in the Rwandan culture. Where a community comes together to give a name to a newly born baby in...
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Mountain Hiking in Rwanda

Mountain Hiking in Rwanda Mountain Hiking in Rwanda, Rwanda is a compact Land-locked Country located in East Africa with just a total area of 26,338sqkm. Most of the sections in the Country are covered with Mountain ranges and hills hence becoming nick-named the “Country of athousand hills.” Mt Karisimbi is the tallest peak in Rwanda...
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