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+256 705979003 info@gorillapagesafaris.com

Chimpanzee Tracking

Chimpanzee Tracking in Rwanda

Chimpanzee Tracking is the act of following the trails that leads you to a point. Where you are near and close to Chimpanzees in their natural habitat. One of the most popular Primate tours in Rwanda and it is second to Gorilla Trekking. Nyungwe Forest National Park which is located about 5 to 6 hours from Kigali in the southwest of the Rwanda. Protects an ancient Mountain forest that is said to have existed since the ice age hence protecting a wide biodiversity, with many species found to exist only in this forest.  Meander through and you’ll feel as though you have wandered onto a set of Jurassic Park. You will see 100 year old trees, fern-fringed waterfalls. And also oversize driver ants to the accompaniment of a cacophony of bird calls.

Nyungwe Forest National Park is Africa’s largest Afro-Montane forest. It was established as a National park in 2004 and it is situated in the South Western region of Rwanda in the Boarder with Burundi. Extending for 1,000sqkm across the majestic hills of Southeastern Rwanda, Nyungwe Forest National Park is the largest block of montane forests in East and Central Africa and one of the most ancient, dating back to before the last Ice Age. The Park is a uniquely rich centre of floral diversity, the forest has more than 200 different species of trees and a myriad of flowering plants including; the other-worldly giant lobelia and a host of colorful orchids.

The park protects some 1,000 plant types, about 300 bird species and also more than 75 different mammals. It is also home to a dozen of primates species making it one of the highest primate diversity concentrations globally. Among them include; chimpanzee, golden monkey, L’Hoest’s monkey, red-tailed monkey, owl-faced monkey, velvet monkey,  crowned monkey, grey-cheeked mangabey, Dent’s mona monkey, olive baboon and Angolan Colobus monkeys.

Chimpanzee Tracking in Nyungwe Forest National Park can take between 2 to 6 hours. After following these chimpanzees for a while, they may settle down and allow you to observe them more closely and take pictures, this will take a maximum of 1 hour. While with the chimpanzees, you will notice that they behave just like we humans since we share about 98.8% human DNA with them. You will watch them groom each other, mate and breastfeed and also play on tree branches. Like humans, they have their group dynamics and internal politics.  Although chimpanzees are curious about humans, they will tend to keep their distance.

Other chimpanzees in Rwanda are found in Gishwati-Mukura National Park. Though there is no Chimpanzee Tracking done there yet at the moment.


Guidelines to Follow during Chimpanzee Trekking

  • Keep a distance away from the Primates so as not to catch diseases.
  • Do not use a flash camera while taking pictures of these primates as it will scare them away or make them aggressive.
  • Littering the park prohibited.
  • Feeding the primates prohibited.
  • Avoid unnecessary noise since it may scare the chimpanzees away.
  • Avoid unnecessary movements during contacts with the primates.
  • Always follow the lead of your ranger guide to avoid being attacked by these primates as they can easily attack you.


What to Carry for Chimpanzee Trekking

  • Hiking shoes to ease your Hiking Adventure in the Park.
  • Insect repellants due to the presence of mosquitoes in the forest.
  • Light clothes to make hiking easy.
  • Garden Gloves to protect your hands in case of thorny trees and also germs.
  • Long-sleeved shirt and trouser.
  • A camera in order to capture beautiful moments
  • A Walking stick to help you during the hike and also in case of the muddy and trails.
  • Energy snacks and warm water to keep you hydrated during the trek.
  • Water proof rain jacket or poncho.
  • Long Socks
  • Porters to help you carry your backpack incase its heavy or also in case you need a pull or push during the trek.